We went to the Home and Garden show yesterday. It was wonderful to walk in the gardens and smell the fresh flowers and see leaves on trees. The gardens were beautiful. The show is huge and we did a lot of walking...today I'm sore. Guess I need to get more exercise. Guess who was there? Yeap Ty Pennington from Extreme Makeover. He drew a big crowd; the picture was taken from very far away.
There are many new home improvement idea's out there. Our home is 25 years old and needs alot of TLC. I'm ready now to start...only....I need alot of money to get my plans in action. Oh yeah in the garden were alot of sculptures....I found one that I really liked, and it was only 26,000.00 ( I think it is bronze)Aren't they adorable. I did buy one thing A hyacinth bulb in a clear glass. I put water in the bottom and it is suppose to root and grow. I will keep you updated on it's progress.
O.K. time to get back to reality.......we came out to our car which was lightly covered with snow and with the cold Feb. wind blowing in our faces.
I have two more candle mats really for auction. I hope to get them listed later today. I really didn't have much time this week to work on them, as I picked up an extra day at work. Gee I wonder how many extra days I would need to work to be able to afford those basset hounds...ha ha!