My first pattern is printed, packaged and ready to go. Hopefully this will be my first of many. I am preparing myself for retirement by moving on to something I enjoy, will keep me busy and also reward me with a little income. I have several years yet to go before I can retire but it's never to early to plan for the future. I have a favorite blog that I follow faithfully, the lady has sooo much creativity and has inspired me to try do the same.
Well my candle mat I listed on E-bay didn't sell. I had many viewers and several watcher's but no one bought. I have relisted with another picture. I also changed the time that the auction will end. In the past I always listed on Sun. and sold alot, but for some reason, probably because I was up early last Sat morn. that's when I listed........crazy me who is gonna be up early to bid on an auction that they might be interested in. Especially on a Sat morn. Oh well live and learn and we'll see how it goes this week.
I bought a Just add ice orchid at Walmart after Christmas. It was half price. I think I paid 6.00 for it and it only had three blosoms. Poor thing was in bad shape. It is called Just add ice orchid because you water it by adding three ice cubes to it every week. They have a web site that e-mails me to remind me to water or should i say ice it every week. I have had it probably three weeks and it has six more blooms ready to open. It is thriving and I'm thrilled.
I don't have to work tomorrow, I just love having Mondays off. It makes Sunday so much more enjoyable. I have time to list my patterns on ebay and try to figure out how to sell them on my blog tomorrow. Stay warm and good nite.